Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Enhancing Communication Social Media Platforms â⬠MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Enhancing Communication Social Media Platforms. Answer: Introduction: Vernuccio (2014) stated that the development of social media over previous years is transforming the ways by which people can think, behave as well as communicate. Internet is not just a static resource of advertising at present days. However, people get information online by involving with the trusted as well as relatable sources, which can speak to particular interests. Social media has a degree of openness as well as transparency. It provides good opportunity for the governments in order to develop trust and public perception of work as well as services. In addition, social media makes it possible to develop trust as well as positive public perception of work as well as services. The idea of government utilize the web and associated technologies were born in 1990. In this perspective, it is important to focus on B2B, B2C and several terms b floated around as well as sought that can be defined to enable and leverage promise of web. The promise, progress as well as efforts are stymi ed that has unique requirements and challenges. The government and its roles to the society can be properly displayed with the help of software application. Current web technology allows the governments sharing information with citizen in the unlimited quantities according to their demand. Technology helps allowing citizens in order to bring issues of the concern to local as well as national governments. On the contrary, exploiting the capabilities within the system of government is a challenge encompasses policy, environmental and cultural issues. The promise of e-Government can allow the citizens accessing information and services of the government ion terms. Hence, sharing data of the government with the citizen provides transparency and openness with citizens. It also assists in enhancing operations within as well as between governments. Hence, effective e-government is not easy for accomplishing and giving unique challenges faced by the government and includes the outdated policies, personnel constraints bas well as budgetary information. Web 2.0 and social media have added the challenge, whereas the government becomes slow down for adjusting the new paradigms of interaction. Moreover, social media helps for councils as well as governments in order to communicate directly with people. The governments are using social media in order to provide new enhanced government services more frequently (Ventola 2014). It has been reported from millions of users irrespective of demographic groups, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter can be helpful to meet core operational goals efficiently compared to conventional communications as well as marketing tactics. Hence, it is required to develop application or platform that can be helpful to communicate with the government and citizens of the nation. The research aims to develop a software application helpful to integrate and involve citizens and the government. In addition, the research has aim to integrate the account of social media for the users in the purpose of logging into the application and test effectiveness of the application. Research questions The research questions can listed as followed. What could be the solution for integrating and engaging citizens? How social media account can be integrated with the process? In order to carry out the research in proper way, it is important to select right tools for the research. Choosing research philosophy, research approach and research design will be helpful for the research. In addition, it is important to understand right process for data collection and analysis technique for the research. Research philosophy is useful to illustrate the process of assumptions carried out for the research (Lewis 2015). Research philosophy deals with source, development as well as nature of knowledge. Addressing research philosophy in the research engages being aware as well as formulate beliefs and assumptions. Each stage of the research procedure is usually based on the assumptions serve as the base of research strategy. The research process is varied while carrying out the research, which is essential for adopting research philosophy. It needs to be effective as well as must be effective and appropriate alignment. In the research, positivism philosophy will be selected. Selection of positivism philosophy will be helpful to evaluate the hidden facts in the research. In addition, as the nature of the study is limited in time, selection of positivism philosophy will be helpful for the research. Research approach Brinkmann (2014) mentioned that deducative and inductive are the approaches, selected by the researcher for the study. Deductive and inductive are the types of approaches selected by a researcher in order to conduct the research. The relevance of hypothesis to the particular study is considered as major distinctive point between the two mentioned approaches, A researcher usually selects inductive approach when adequate data for the research topic is selected. On the other hand, deductive approach is useful for the research as it is helpful to deduce theory and models related to the topic of the research. In the research, deductive approach will be selected for the research. Research design is divided into two major groups such as exploratory as well as conclusive. According to the name that has merely aims exploring the particular aspects of research in exploratory research. This type of research does not aim providing final as well as conclusive answers for the research questions. In exploratory research, it is important to integrate insights regarding a situation. Conclusive research deals with verification of insights and help in selecting a course of action. Conclusive research is divided into two major categories such as descriptive and casual. In descriptive research design, particular components, causes and phenomenon are suggested in the research area. Exploratory, explanatory and descriptive research designs are the types of research design. In the research, descriptive research will be selected. It will be helpful for understanding the role of social media for communicating with the citizens and the government. Hardware and software requirement It is important to identify the hardware and software requirements for the research. In the research, it is required to develop application or platform that can integrate people with the government (Carr and Hayes 2015). In order to develop the platform, computer is required with proper configuration. The essential factors that are required to remember are as followed. The user case is one of the most important for understanding the difference between a software requirement specification and use case. Usually, the use case steps are written in a simple way for understanding the structured story utilizing verbage of the domain. The software requirements need to fulfil deliverables of the project. The functional terms, leaving design as well as implementation details is significant for the developers. Ethical and access issues Application software is used to the modern decision-making process that includes data storage as well as manipulation, availability of data as well as selection (Munar and Jacobsen 2014). However, it is the issue for software development and the government linked with the organization. After demonstrating software management, easy access for the files is not good. However, some information need to be able to view by other people when it is required. The development office has an essential role to make the changes for the system in order to fulfil the requirements. It is also required to analyse ethical, social, legal as well as professional issues related to design and development of the project. Ethical principles need to taken into account by the development office as per the requirements of the management. Involving human participants in the project include ethical principles (Sobaih et al. 2016). Gathering project requirements, the respondents have the right for selection and it is informed regarding the research. Beneficence is considered as one of the major principles for considering the project. Risks for the participants need to be minimized, whereas justice is ethical principles that provide priority to the equality. The top management as well as lower level employees needs to be treated equally. Higher management is required to hide information from the stakeholders and disclose sensitive data and the key issues from the stakeholders (Ngai et al. 2015). However, as an ethical software engineer decisions are required to take ethically. In the development, vulnerable groups will not be violated. Potential value of research The potential social values as well as advantages for the research are distributed systematically. With the help of checklist as well as description of the project, it is required to address at least 10 distinctive aims of the research. McCann and Barlow (2015) commented that the primary focus is on developing as well as testing of the instruments as well as taking preliminary look in the value systems. Completion of the project will be helpful to integrate citizens with the government by application software. As the governments across the world require involving citizens, it is essential to find out the suitable way to make people understand regarding initiatives, projects are important for finding out the right process. However, it is important to make the policies suitable for the research. It is also difficult to inform that the government require important aspects for the aspects. Thus, for development of social media to mitigate the communication barrier, it is important to tak e proper initiative by the government for citizens. The policies as well as facilities are required to set up properly for communication technology and use of social media platforms to make it accessible. Thus, connecting common people as well as the government by social media platform will be helpful to understand about initiatives of the government as well as notify their requirements. In addition, development of software application can integrate people easily with the users with the help of smart phones. However, it is essential to be aware about the misuse of social media accounts as privacy and security issues are involved with it. Research plan Main activities/ stages Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Topic Selection Secondary data collection Creating the layout for research Literature review Creating research Plan Selection of suitable Research Techniques Gathering hardware and software requirements Development of the application Deploying the application Testing of the application Creating Rough Draft Submitting Final Work Initial literature review Social media has evolved into a preferred method in order to reach and involve with masses and culminating in the process of exponential amplification. There are several effective ways through which, social media can be used to communicate with the government. It helps to prevent crime as well as police assistance (Effing and Spil 2016). The police departments are posting tips for protecting crime. Time sensitive information and alerts using the social media channels can be helpful (Wu et al. 2015). Weather as well as other emergencies occurs quickly with no warning. In addition, social media channels can assist the local governments to communicate regarding safety information. Social media achieve activities as well as class registration (Huotari et al. 2015). Public service announcements are effective way to raise awareness of the issues, which affect in the community. Hence, social media has an important role to develop effective communication and get in touch with the governments. In the research, a software application will be developed to communicate with the governments locally. In the application, it is required to sign up the application with the user id and password (McFarland and Ployhart 2015). With rapid development of information and communication technology, social media usage has increased rapidly. In this perspective, use of social account to sign up will be helpful to integrate social profile of the citizens with the governments. Hence, it is important to develop the application that can be helpful to integrate social media (Chua and Chang 2016). Apart from these, as the use of smart phones increase, integration of social media for sign up process will be helpful to connect the users easily with the application and get notified regarding the initiatives and activities taken by the government. As the number of Facebook users increase, the uses are voicing opinions about the user policy as well as functionality. The staffs of Facebook are able to follow the opinions as well as platforms (Lunnay et al. 2015). It results increased participation of the users. Hence, it is sure that the government departments need to start using social media channels for better communication in a valuable way for achieving the objectives. Communication is considered as immediate relationships and addresses the complaints. Social media acts as a dominant value for two-way communication and makes the ability for receiving the feedback and monitor the process. Benefits of using social media in government There is an important role of the social media for government from passing of new legislation to the large campaigns. the government needs to participate actively in the conversation. There are several policy makers taking notice about the trend (Taggart et al. 2015). The social media study in 2015 commissioned that American Congressional Management Foundation, there are 76% of American policymakers reported that social media has enabled social media in order to have meaningful interactions with the constituents (Poell 2014). Apart from this, face-to-face appearance has driven campaign trail where social media assisted candidates to reach audiences across the nation. On the other hand, social media is helpful for accurate poll forecasting through social media (Househ et al. 2014). Crisis communication is one of the methods through which government can notify the citizens regarding any emergency. The integration of social media account with the application will be helpful to know about the situation. According to Killian and McManus (2015), simple measures can be helpful for safeguard the government against the security breaches. Apart from this, there are chances of using social media platforms where fake user id can open and misuse the application that has a large impact on the society. On the other hand, remaining complaint to the privacy demands is considered as important for a government. Involvement of citizens can deploy keeping in compliance. In current years, the government bodies as well as employees need to respond in government discourse (Hajli 2015). It is important for innovative policy makers as well as staffs are adapting the application by creating high involvement of social media may affect overall process. References Brinkmann, S., 2014. Interview. InEncyclopedia of critical psychology(pp. 1008-1010). Springer New York. Carr, C.T. and Hayes, R.A., 2015. Social media: Defining, developing, and divining.Atlantic Journal of Communication,23(1), pp.46-65. Chua, T.H.H. and Chang, L., 2016. Follow me and like my beautiful selfies: Singapore teenage girls engagement in self-presentation and peer comparison on social media.Computers in Human Behavior,55, pp.190-197. Effing, R. and Spil, T.A., 2016. The social strategy cone: Towards a framework for evaluating social media strategies.International journal of information management,36(1), pp.1-8. Hajli, N., 2015. 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